Thank you for considering organising a session at the EMS Annual Meeting 2022. Here we provide information to support you at each step of the organisation, from proposing a session to finally chairing the session at the conference.
Convener teams are permanently assisted by the staff of Copernicus Meetings. We will inform you about any deadlines and tasks with regard to the organisation of your session. You will be asked to use different tools of our Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer online system. Therefore, you will need a user account (user ID and password). All links and related instructions will be given by email.
Your tasks will include the following.
The Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer provides the tools listed below to assist you in your tasks.
Conveners and the PSC will develop the session schedule and programme based on the submitted abstracts. The timeline for convener tasks is:
Through the mail tool you have the option to contact all (contact) authors, for example to make them aware of the upload options for slides or presentations or to give other guidance on how you intend to run the session. You are also able to write to the contact person or all authors for a specific abstract. This tool is available via a small envelope icon below the abstract number.
Session proposals can be submitted during the public call-for-sessions. When submitting a session, the following steps are required.
The programme stream moderators will build the session programme from the session proposals. You will be informed of acceptance of your session by email. The programme stream moderators can also suggest merging proposed sessions that are similar.
The session modification enables you to define or to modify the title as well as the description of your session. This tool also provides the options to upload or link session material as well as a session summary. To provide a convener pitch on the planned content of your session, provide your material as a session summary. The limit for uploading is 50 MB. If you provide a link to a video on YouTube or vimeo, a thumbnail will automatically be displayed in the session programme.
This tool is available until the final session programme is uploaded to the website in summer. Furthermore, this tool provides you with up-to-date information and statistics about the contributions to your session during the whole period of session and programme organisation. This web interface is also the starting point for all the following tools. You are kindly asked to log in by using the convener login link provided in the main menu at the top of the website.
Authors can submit their abstracts together with a registration fee waiver application if they fulfil the eligibility criteria. You are kindly asked to rate those applications in order to provide the support selection committees with your preferences for support. A short CV and statement by the author will be available to you to assist you in the assessment. Please rate the applications
(a) by the quality of science as well as
(b) by the quality of the abstract.
In order to justify your decision, you may also add a comment for each rated application.
Please note that conveners are not allowed to rate or even comment on support applications in which they are involved as a co-author. These applications must be handled either by another convener of their session or even directly by the Programme and Science Committee (PSC) chair.
The support selection committee will take your rating and your comments into account in the final selection. All applicants will be informed about the final decision of the selection committee. Independent of a positive or negative decision, authors are then requested to confirm their participation in the meeting by the given deadline. Abstracts without a participation confirmation will be withdrawn automatically.
During the abstract implementation phase, you are asked to review submitted abstracts of three different types:
In addition, you may upload contributions that were directly sent to you. Please note that abstracts uploaded by conveners are listed under "Implementation summary and finalization". All these actions can be modified as long as the "Implementation summary and finalization" action has not been completed. After having completed the reviews and uploads, please check the implementation summary and then finalise the "Abstract implementation". The outcome of this tool is the final list of active contributions to be scheduled in your session. The authors will then receive a letter of acceptance/rejection by email.
During the session tagging phase, you are asked to provide the PSC with your scheduling preferences. These may include inter-session relations such as no-overlap or back-to-back scheduling or any other information that you consider to be useful. Please note that the allocation will be done by the PSC upon scheduling and will in general be proportional to the number of abstracts received for a session. Should you want to draw the attention of the PSC to special considerations, please use the "Optional information" box. For the EMS2022, SOI and SOII tools are scheduled to be available in parallel for most of the time. However, SOI has to be completed first for SOII to become available. The PSC will take into account as much as possible your scheduling preferences when deciding on the session programme. However, given many competing preferences from conveners, there is no guarantee that these can all be accommodated. The PSC will schedule your session in terms of day and time. Missing information from the SOII tool will be completed by the Programme Stream Moderators to the best of their knowledge.
Following the assignment of session times by the PSC, you are then asked to
Please note
This year about 80% of the abstracts were submitted with a preference for an oral presentation (onsite plus online). Contrary to past events, the schedule the PSC developed tries to provide as much as possible time for oral presentations to allow for most oral requests to be accommodated as a 12+3-minute standard presentation. Please consider scheduling solicited presentations (30min) with great care (e.g. comprehensive state-of-the-art review or major breakthroughs) since they will reduce the number of overall oral presentations again. Poster-authors-in-attendance times are scheduled as parallel session, giving the same weight to these sessions as to orals. Due to imposed limitations onsite, poster change will likely happen each evening; thus for some of the sessions, in particular large ones that last one full day or more, the poster session will be on a different day, in some cases preceding the oral session. To compensate this, we plan to provide the opportunity for all posters (online and onsite) to be displayed the entire week on an online platform.
Your selection will generate your draft session programme. In this draft programme, you are asked to identify chairperson(s) for each subdivision of your session. To manage the tasks for a hybrid session it is required that two chair persons are coordinating the running of the session: please nominate two chair persons for each time block of your session. Missing information from SOIII will be completed by the PSC, and the final meeting programme for all sessions will be uploaded. Then, all the authors will receive their letter of schedule by email, indicating the time and type of their presentation.
More details about the format of the session programme and the session concept are provided here.
Sessions should be chaired by two conveners or assigned chairpersons. We would like to emphasize that given the onsite meeting will be possible, all chair persons of sessions will be required to be at the meeting in Bonn; online chairing opportunities will not be provided; online oral presentation opportunities however, will be offered.
We strongly recommend to nominate two chairpersons for each time block of your session to cope with the different tasks of the hybrid organisation of the session (onsite Q&A and online questions and contributions). Training sessions for chairs have been scheduled on Sunday evening (4 September) and Tuesday evening (6 September).Please find more details at